I would argue that net neutrality is one of the most important issues right now. The world is more informed and more connected than ever before and net neutrality is a huge contributing factor.
This article from CNET gives an awesome, in-depth explanation of the history and current status of net neutrality, but if you don't have time for that, I'll give a brief explanation.
Net neutrality means that internet service providers can't interfere with your internet usage. Without net neutrality, ISP's could interfere by creating fast and slow lanes of internet.
You yourself can pay to use the fast lane and corporations can pay to have their content be placed in the fast lane. Basically corporations can pay to have their content showed before their competitor's content.
If you're an optimist, then the worst that's gonna happen is internet services will get more expensive and the people in charge of ISP's will get richer. Numerous providers have said "net neutrality limits investment."
If you're a pessimist, the worst that could happen is that corporations control which content you're allowed to see by giving priority access to sponsored ads or preferred news sources. If you have faith in corporations, then you don't have to worry about them throttling any websites with dissenting information...
My tin foil hat might be showing a little bit, but we've seen that big corporations have agendas that run deeper than just "making more money." Corporations are run by people and people shouldn't have the power to control what information is read by users of the internet.
Net neutrality is the means by which we are able to effectively educate ourselves and discuss the bigger issues. Net neutrality is the reason I can write this blog post and share it with anyone who wants to hear it.
Without net neutrality, the scariest potential future keeps the public ignorant and disconnected. In this day age, knowledge and friends are all we have.